I have compiled a list of materials you will need for the Fundamentals of Painting in OIL. This is a list on Dick Blick Art Supplies:
I actually prefer these Centurion Linen panels, but they were not available through Dick Blick:
Here is a complete list of materials and equipment you will need for a studio workshop. Please feel free to edit the Dick Blick supplies list as you see fit. That was only a suggested starter kit.
Below is a recommended palette for Oil painters. Any professional grade will do! Avoid “hues.” At the very least you’ll want to include a tube of each of the following primary colors + white.
Titanium White (large tube)
Tier 1:
Cobalt Blue
Alizarin Crimson (Permanent)
Cadmium Yellow Light
Yellow Ochre Gold (or regular Yellow Ochre)
Tier 2:
Cadmium Orange
Transparent Red Oxide
A Sketchbook + Pencil
This VERY important part of our practice is going to be step one on every painting we do. It must be free of lines, preferably with spiral-bound, and not too big (5×7 or so).
You can find these from an art supply store, or make one out of cardboard. It is a rectangle that you look through to “crop” the scene before you draw it in your sketchbook.
Flats, Brights, or Filberts recommended for the majority of the work. Have a good range of sizes: 2,4,6,8
At least 8 canvas/linen panels OR primed or gessoed hardboard panels (such as Gessoboard). I prefer Centurion Oil Primed Deluxe Linen panels, available through Jerry’s Artarama and sometimes the Steamboat Art Museum Gift Shop. Stretched canvas not recommended. Keep sizes between 8×10 and 12×16.
Solvent + Lidded Jar – Odorless Turpenoid, odorless mineral spirits, Gamsol, or Spike of Lavender
Palette Knife
Paper Towels – thick blue mechanics paper towels or Viva
Wet Panel Carrier (RayMar panel carrier, pizza boxes, for example)
Lightweight Easel
– I recommend a Field Easel or Pochade box (The Prolific Easel, Strada, Open Box M, Guerrilla Painter, Soltek, etc.) or a Julian French Easel.