Creative District in Steamboat Springs

The Arts Council in Steamboat Springs, CO is seeking designation as a Creative District, as recognized by the Colorado Creative Industries.  Letters of support are being garnered to reinforce this effort. Here is the letter I submitted to the Arts Council:

April 15, 2016

Colorado Creative Industries

Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade

1625 Broadway, Suite 2700

Denver, CO 80202

RE: Steamboat Springs Creative District Application

Dear Creative District Selection Committee:

My name is Chula Beauregard, and I strongly support the Steamboat Springs Arts Council in its pursuit of Creative District designation.

Steamboat Springs is my hometown, and I have played many roles here: art student/performer, public school art teacher, community arts organizer, public art creator and advocate, professional artist and adult arts educator.  Since I was a child, I was heavily involved in the arts in Steamboat Springs, thanks to my mother, also a painter and a dancer. Now, I am pursuing the career of my dreams: a professional painter, featured in prestigious exhibits such as the American Impressionist Society and the Colorado Governor’s Art Show. I can wholeheartedly attest that is it the community of Steamboat Springs that nurtured me and allowed me to follow my passion of painting.

Steamboat Springs, with its vast array of local talent (which comes from, and goes to a national level), has an incredibly strong and positive artist community. As an organizer of the Steamboat Art Museum Plein Air Event, I am privy to an outside perspective from visiting painters. The observation I hear most often is how supportive the local artists are. We are welcoming to visiting artists, and we create a positive, supportive environment for each other. Competition gives way to commitment to our common goal. I am very proud of this aspect of our community, and I believe it is the fundamental reason we deserve the Creative District designation.

We are beginning to call this phenomenon “Steamboat Nice.” It is the mutual understanding that we are all striving for a peaceful, cooperative community. As artists, this unspoken pledge to each other benefits every one of us. We enjoy celebrating each other’s success.

Thank you for taking the time to consider honoring us with this important designation.


Chula Beauregard


Chula Beauregard, Sandra Sherrod, Sandy Graves (L to R) at the First Friday Art Walk in Steamboat Springs.

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